BY Vinodh Seshadri 28 August 2023
Customers can quote an MLL aggregated head 1GE single access service via Quote SEP or can now initiate a Finalised Feasibility study where greater than 1GE is required to obtain the SLC, CW and FFS charges. Quoting of these services is done by onboarding the latest features product id’s: 108: Managed Leased Lines - Ethernet - New Aggregated Head, 110: A-End to their Quote API request.
Customers can quote an EA point to point 1GE single access service via Quote SEP or can now initiate a Finalised Feasibility study where greater than 1GE or redundant is required to obtain the SLC, CW and FFS charges. Quoting of these services is done by onboarding the latest features product id’s: 109: Ethernet - point to point,
110: A-End, 120: B-End and 130: Virtual connection and 140: service assurance to their Quote API request to their Quote API request.